
I read somewhere that insomnia is a symptom of depression. I thought depressed people slept all the time? Of course, maybe these are people who have slept too much during the day and now suffer from an inability to sleep at night?

I'm interested in this for one reason - I've recently been suffering from insomnia. Not depression, I don't think I'm depressed anyway. I do know that I just can't get a good night's sleep. Here enters the dilemma. Not sleeping will cause an array of other issues during the day. Imagine, from a lack of sleep you're now tired and sluggish, a little cranky and touchy, you don't look your best (those bags under the eyes are hardly attractive) and you have difficulty keeping your train of thought on track. Do you see where I'm going here? All of these things are, well frankly, depressing! So, I'm now depressed, not because my life sucks or anything, but because I have insomnia. I have to wonder how many people out there think they're insomniacs because they're depressed - but are simply down because they can't freaking sleep!

But yay, I found a solution. Ambien. Yep, sleeping pills. I'm with all you folks out there that figure I should look for a natural solution. Warm milk, sheep counting, self-hypnosis, all that stuff. And I did try a number of remedies(I still cluck like a chicken now and then from that hypnosis thing..) none of them worked. So I turned to my handy dandy PCP (primary care physician, not the drug, or not that drug.) She prescribed Ambien. Ahh. Relief. I was a little freaked when I read what some folks out there were saying about the drug. Apparently more than a few people are taking their little pill and cooking dinner in the middle of the night (while sleeping), having great sex (or so their partners tell them, cause they're, ahem, sleeping), or in extreme cases, driving around in the pj's (not cool, mine are not made for public viewing.) So, I elicited a promise from my husband to make sure that I'm: 1) Cooking something wonderful, 2) Awake for the great sex, or 3) totally NOT driving around the neighborhood in my nightie. Then I took my pill, got comfy, waited (about 8 minutes) and crashed. Slept. Spent the night in wonderful slumber. I am pleased to say I did not even attempt to drive the car, I did not exhibit any signs of sex deprivation, nor, alas, did I cook dinner. I just slept. Well. And woke up feeling my normal, happy, bouncy (not in a porn way, kind of in a tigger way) self!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ambien is incredible. Unfortunately, for those of us that are suffering insomnia due to depression.....doctors don't like to give that to us. Glad to hear you got some sleep!

  3. So sorry they won't give it to you Sam, sleep does make a BIG difference in how I feel (literally health, mental and physical, my eating habits, everything is affected.

    Love you, be well! (happy and all that other stuff!)


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